Saturday, March 13, 2010

Love as a verb

Lynn just came home from hospital after having knee replacement surgery. He amazes me. He is getting around really well and should be cooking for me again sometime soon....I'm starving here!
Ya see, I love eating, but I don't like to cook. I don't like making a mess. I don't mind cleaning up, but I don't like being tied to the kitchen. I feel so guilty about it sometimes. I think Lynn cooks for all of us to show us he loves, I ask myself; what do I do to show my love? Does love have to be an action, or is it enough to just feel it in your heart?

Monday, February 22, 2010

Just be Thankful

I am a little amazed at the grumblings of people. Why is it sometimes we forget to look at the "big picture"?
What if you lost your job, then after months of searching, hoping, praying and asking others to help in the search and prayer, you are blessed with a wonderful new beginning and the search is over! And then, after you have begun your new career, you find it less appealing than you had hoped, maybe even a bit afraid of this new world you've embarked upon.
Why not step back, take a look at what you have accomplished. Remind yourself, this is what you prayed for, this is what you worked for...this is what you chose. This has been layed in your path for a reason.
Remember that old addage, there's always someone worse off than's true!
So today I pray for those who are so blessed and refuse to see the blessings because they are too busy grumbling. Today, I say to those....just be thankful to Our Lord above...He placed you where you are for a reason!
Whatever you do today, may it be gracious and acceptable in His eyes

Monday, February 15, 2010

grouchy as a bear

i do not like cold weather, and thats putting it mildly. i've said numerous times, "i should have been a bear". and now, dang-it, an Alberta clipper has descended upon us. i've been known to be in terribly foul moods in winter. its more than just feeling that cold chill to the bone. its more than daylight hours are much shorter and i need more sunshine. i dont like bundling and layering! i love a sense of freedom when i'm dressed..and to me that means short pants, sandals and short sleeve shirts! and just being able to walk outdoors without putting on more clothes!
Seems like this has been an excessively long winter. at my age, time seems to fly by...except in winter. bleh.
it will be spring soon, and i will be a totally different person, i hope.

Friday, February 12, 2010

snow in the south

My first post on my new blog. this could be quite boring and may become ridiculously stale.
Today it is snowing...quite a phenom in Alabama, and, okay, I've had my snowball fight and played with my doggie Mister in the snow. it can go away now, and warm-up! (almost) everyone here is off work and school which is cool. I love having everyone home enjoying each other.
I should go out and take some pics of the white stuff. See, I'm already bored with writing on the blog...
Have a glorious day whatever you do,